
An alliance between Digital and Biocontrol : A New Challenge for a More Sustainable Agriculture


To strengthen Wallonia’s biocontrol ecosystem by interconnecting the digital world (applications, sensors, robots, etc.) and the world of biological control of plant predators through three pillars: innovation/R&D, training and entrepreneurship.

The main areas of work

  1. The development of innovative biocontrol solutions or, more broadly, solutions designed to reduce the use of harmful chemical inputs in agricultural production
  2. The development of digital and robotic solutions (products and/or services) enabling these solutions to be effectively integrated into farming practices
  3. The development of new technologies for observing the components of the agro-system (soil, environment, exchanges with the plant) and modelling their interactions.
  4. Development, validation and demonstration of new farming practices that incorporate these innovations.
  5. Raise awareness and train of farm stakeholders in these new practices.


Leader of Digibiocontrol : ULiège & Multitel – Emma Dutilloy : digibiocontrol@uliege.be

Point de contact Wagralim : Jean-Christophe Chapelle – mail

Groupe Linkedin :  lien

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